

Study of Undergraduates' Perceptions of English Translation Teaching in China: A Focus on English-Korean Translation Teaching for Korean-Chinese



동북아시아문화학회 동북아 문화연구 제78집 2024.03 pp.191-209


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study investigated Korean-Chinese undergraduates as non-English majors for their perceptions of English-Korean translation teaching in China, through which they could make full use of their multilingual and multicultural characteristics to enhance their competitiveness. The research was carried out during the spring semester of the 2023 academic year and involved two questionnaire surveys with 58 participants and an online interview with 15 participants, at the beginning and end of the semester, respectively. Chaoxing Xuexitong, a mobile learning platform in China, was used for data collection and analysis. Korean-Chinese undergraduates' needs for and expectations of English-Korean translation teaching centered on developing English proficiency and acquiring competency in professional translation, with a limited understanding of translation teaching. However, on completion of the translation course, their perceptions of translation teaching changed remarkably. First, their needs and expectations of translation teaching were met to a certain extent, with considerable learning outcomes, such as the development of English proficiency, the acquisition of competency in professional translation, the adaptation to the needs of the translation market, and the enhancement of cross-cultural communication skills. In addition, the English-Korean translation skills had a positive effect on their practice of translation and improved English. Furthermore, English-Korean translation teaching proved successful, with an effective teaching method and activities, as well as a dedicated instructor. Despite the existing challenges, such as their deficiency in English reading comprehension, a lack of knowledge of English culture, and inadequate use of translation skills, they could use their preferred translation tools for searching for relevant materials, and their approach to translation has advanced considerably, from initially producing a word-by-word translation to evolving to express the contextual meaning of a given text over time.


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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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