

언어의 생성․도출 및 현대 중국어 통사 처리 과정


A Study on Generation and Derivation of Language and Its Syntactic Structure Processing in Modern Mandarin Chinese


동북아시아문화학회 동북아 문화연구 제78집 2024.03 pp.173-190


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper was intended to present some new perspectives on the generation and derivation of language. To this end, I first reviewed the views of major prior studies that have had an important impact in linguistics, and then I identified what language generates and how it is derived. The results are as follows: Firstly, humans generate and derive the ‘spatiotemporal cosmos of human brains(space-time continuum of human brains)’ in language through primary symbols such as the ‘Auditory Symbols’. Secondly, the derivation of language is carried out by the method of ‘Parallel Processing’ of ‘component(constituent unit)’ and ‘roler(actor, player)’ based on the principle of ‘Binary System’ and ‘Retroduction’. Thirdly, in the process of deriving the Chinese syntactic structure, ‘世(time)’ and ‘界(space)’ of ‘Spatiotemporal Cosmos of Human Brain’ are implemented as Constituents with respective characteristics. In addition, they are derived by parallel processing with respective Role-player [predicate and subject & object]. As described above, this paper presents a general theory of language generation and derivation as a hypothesis. And then, I tried to reveal how this principle is realized as the core syntactic structure of modern Chinese. After this theorization process is established, detailed analysis and research on the special syntaic structure(e.g. ‘Ba-Structure’, ‘Bei-Structure’, ‘the constructions of inversion’ etc.) of modern Chinese will be left as a follow-up task of this study.


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