

이주여성 정책 제언을 위한 일본의 이주여성 관련 다문화공생정책 연구


Study on the Japan's Multi Cultural Commensalism Policy Regarding Immigrant Women for the Policy Suggestions

임미영, 박나리

동북아시아문화학회 동북아 문화연구 제78집 2024.03 pp.103-127


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Japan declared its entry into a multi cultural society in the 1980s, about 20 years before Korea, and has been implementing the so-called Multi Cultural Commensalism policy. Thus, it appears to be an appropriate reference in planning and implementing Korea's multi cultural policy. In particular, this study focused on policies for immigrant women. This is because, even among multi cultural related groups, married immigrant women and female immigrant workers are at a social disadvantage. As a result of this research, Japan's Multi Cultural Commensalism policies related to women were characterized as local government-led policy implementation, the alienation of married immigrant women which resulted from relatively high interest in female immigrant workers, the absence of a basic law and Japanese Language education course supporting married immigrant women. However, the enactment of Domestic Violence Law and an increase in availability for the Survival Japanese education including ‘Easy Japanese' and the protection policies for the aged immigrant women seemed to have greater progress in the long term. Privy to this analysis, in order to have an efficient plan and enactment of Korea's future policy regarding immigrant women, this study suggested the need to infuse ‘Korean education curriculum for married immigrant women' with more flexibility by local governments, the need to build a larger sharing system of the Korean language education along with ensuring government's commitment to female immigrant workers and the activation of immigrants voluntary council.


  • 임미영
  • 박나리


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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