

중대재해처벌법 시행에 따른 건설현장 근로자와 관리자의 인식차 분석 : 안전관리 실효성 향상 방안을 중심으로


Analysis of Perception Differences between Construction Workers and Managers Implementing for the Severe Accident Punishment Act : Focused on Measures to Improve Safety Management Effectiveness

조재환, 정성학

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The objective of this study was to conduct research and analysis using Group Focus Interview to survey the between construction site workers and managers implementing for the Severe Accident Punishment Act. Focused on measures to improve safety management effectiveness for the effectiveness of establishing a safety management system. A plan to improve the efficient safety management system was presented to 50 construction industrial managers and workers. In order to ensure the industrial accident prevention policies appropriately, it is necessary to be aware of safety obligations for workers as well as business operators. In addition, despite the existence of a commentary on the Serious Accident Punishment Act, confusion in the field still persists, so in the event of a major accidents, the obligation to take safety and health education is strengthened, and effective case education is proposed by teaching actual accident cases suitable for actual working sites. It is necessary to make all training mandatory, and it is necessary to reconsider awareness through writing a daily safety log, awareness of risk factors, etc., and writing down risk information. Above all, at the construction ordering stage, it is necessary to keep the construction safety, request corrections and supplements for problems issues that arise, and consult between the orderer and the construction company about the problems issues. Rather than having only the construction company correct or supplement the safety management plan, the contents should be shared with supervisors and workers to establish a more practical solution. Results of this study will contribute to improving the effectiveness of the serious accident and construction safety management system.


1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1 산업재해 발생현황 분석
2.2 실무자 집단인터뷰를 통한 조사연구
2.3 중대재해처벌법의 해외적용 사례
3. 실효성 향상 연구 방법론
3.1 실무자 집단인터뷰(F.G.I) 연구 방법론
3.2 안전관리체계의 실효성 검토 방법론
3.3 안전관리체계의 제도적 검토 방법론
4. 실무자 집단인터뷰(F.G.I) 및 조사분석
4.1 실무자 집단인터뷰 및 조사문항
4.2 실무자 집단인터뷰 및 조사대상
4.3 실무자 집단인터뷰 조사분석 결과
5. 결론 및 고찰
6. References


  • 조재환 Jae-Hwan Cho. 울산대학교
  • 정성학 Sung Hak Chung. 행정안전부 국립재난안전연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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