

상생형 스마트공장 도입기업과 미도입기업의 성과분석에 관한 연구


A Study on Performance Analysis of Companies Adopting and Not Adopting Win-win Smart Factories

황중하, 김태성

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Smart factories are systems that enable quick response to customer demands, reduce defect rates, and maximize productivity. They have evolved from manual labor-intensive processes to automation and now to cyber-physical systems with the help of information and communication technology. However, many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are still unable to implement even the initial stages of smart factories due to various environmental and economic constraints. Additionally, there is a lack of awareness and understanding of the concept of smart factories. To address this issue, the Cooperationbased Smart Factory Construction Support Project was launched. This project is a differentiated support project that provides customized programs based on the size and level of the company. Research has been conducted to analyze the impact of this project on participating and non-participating companies. The study aims to determine the effectiveness of the support policy and suggest efficient measures for improvement. Furthermore, the research aims to provide direction for future support projects to enhance the manufacturing competitiveness of SMEs. Ultimately, the goal is to improve the overall manufacturing industry and drive innovation.


1. 서론
2. 상생형 스마트공장 도입 지원 사업
2.1 현장혁신
2.2 판로개척
2.3 인력양성(교육)
2.4 기술지원
2.5 패밀리혁신활동
2.6 스마트 365센터
3. 연구방법
3.1 성과분석의 필요성
3.2 조사 개요
4. 연구 결과
4.1 조사기업의 특징
4.2 도입/미도입기업 기준
4.3 유형1/유형2 기준
4.4 매출액 평균
4.5 자산총계 평균
4.6 부가가치 평균
4.7 수출액 평균
4.8 영업이익 평균
4.9 임직원수 평균(국민연금 가입자 수)
5. 결론
5.1 주요성과 결과
5.2 상생형 스마트공장 도입전후 효과분석
6. References


  • 황중하 Jungha Hwang. 국립금오공과대학교 컨설팅학과 박사과정
  • 김태성 Taesung Kim. 국립금오공과대학교 산업공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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