

A Study on the Biogasification Facility for Combined Treatment of Food Waste and Livestock Manure


음식물류 폐기물과 가축분뇨 병합처리 바이오가스화시설에 관한 연구

Sae-Eun Oh, Young-Bum In

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is aimed at understanding the physical and chemical properties of food waste and livestock manure, and based on this, it seeks to establish an environmentally friendly infrastructure that aligns with national policies through the combined biogasification of organic waste for the production of new and renewable energy. To acquire the decomposition characteristics and potential methane production of organic waste, a Biochemical Methane Potential (BMP) test was conducted. In the case of methane potential livestock manure (pig manure), the methane production reached its maximum value approximately 40 days after the start of the experiment. The “P” value calculated by applying the Gompertz equation was 374.8 mL, and the methane yield per injected Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) was 175.9 mL CH4/g COD, showing a conversion rate of approximately 51.3%. Secondly, in the case of the substrate, food waste, it reached its maximum value of 478.7 mL approximately 37 days after the start of the experiment. The “P” value was a maximum of 538.9 mL, the methane yield was 293.3 mL CH4/g COD, and the methane conversion rate was 82.3%, which was significantly higher than that of livestock manure.


본 연구는 음식물류 폐기물과 가축분뇨의 물리·화학적 특성을 파악하고 이를 근거로 유기성 폐기물의 병합 바이오 가 스화를 통한 신 · 재생에너지 생산과 국가정책에 부합하는 친환경적 환경 기초 시설을 구축하는 데 있다. 유기성 폐기물 의 분해 특성 및 잠재적인 메탄발생량에 대한 획득을 위해 BMP (Biochemical methane potential)실험을 실시하였다. 메 탄 잠재성 축분뇨(돈분뇨) 경우 실험 시작 약 40일 후의 메탄발생량은 최대값에 도달하였고, Gompertz식에 적용한 결과 “P”값은 374.8 mL로 계산되었으며, 주입된 COD당 메탄수율은 175.9 mL CH4/g COD로 약 51.3%의 전환율을 보였으며, 두 번째, 기질인 음식물류 폐기물의 경우 실험 시작 후 약 37일에 478.7 mL로 최대값에 도달하였고, “P”값은 최대 538.9 mL, 메탄수율 293.3 mL CH4/g COD, 82.3%의 메탄 전환율로 가축분뇨에 비해 상당히 높게 나타났다.


I. 서론
II. 연구방법
1. 음식물 폐기물 및 가축분뇨 조사 지점 및 일정 선정
2. 실험 및 분석 방법
III. 결과 및 고찰
1. 가축분뇨 및 음식물류 폐기물 성상분석 결과
2. 지점별 화학적 분석 결과
3. 지점별 발열량 분석 결과
4. BMP test 을 통한 메탄잠재성 평가
IV. 결론


  • Sae-Eun Oh 오세은. Department of Environmental Engineering, Han bat National University
  • Young-Bum In 인영범. Department of Environmental Engineering, Han bat National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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