

Evaluating User’s Intention to participate in Online Voting System (OVS) : Focus on Mnet Plus Application



As the idols winning at music shows or survival variety programs becomes a hot topic among the fans who love Korean pop (K-pop) cultures, viewers/ fans over the world pay their interest on voting, leading to the demand for Online Voting System (OVS) services. Thus, this study will attempt to examine the role of online voting system (OVS) services positive and negative attributes as determinants of trust toward online voting. Furthermore, this study will explore the relationships between trust and users’ vote participation. This study will examine questionnaires obtained from the online voters using Mnet Plus platform. Results are expected to find that more informativeness, more entertainment and more credibility to create higher user’s vote participation in the online voting environment. Second, trust will have a positive effect on intention to participate in internet voting. Third, positive intention of word-of-mouth is expected to moderate the relationship between trust and intention to participate in Internet Voting. The findings will provide valuable information for OVS service providers in understanding users’ behaviors regarding online voting systems.


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
2.1. Previous studies on OVS service
2.2. Dual-Process Theory
2.3. Digital Trust
3. Research Model and Hypotheses Development
3.1 Research Model
3.2 Informativeness and Trust
3.3 Entertainment and Trust
3.4 Credibility and Trust
3.5 Irritation and Trust
3.6 Privacy Concern and Trust
3.7 Trust and Intention to participatein In ternet Voting
3.8 Mediation Effect of Positive Word-ofmouth
4. Measurement and Result
4.1 Research Model
4.2 Data Collection
4.3 Reliability and Validity
4.4 Assessment of the Structural Model
5. Discussion
5.1. Contribution
6. References


  • Kay Zun Lin Min Kyungpook National University, Business Administration Department
  • Sanghyun Kim Kyungpook National University, Business Administration Department


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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