

An Analysis of the Positive and Negative Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction Using Topic Modeling




When a competent employee leaves an organization, the technical skills and know-how possessed by that employee also disappear, which may lead to various problems, such as a decrease in organizational morale and technology leakage. To address such problems, it is important to increase employees’ job satisfaction. Due to the advancement of both information and communication technology and social media, many former and current employees share information regarding companies in which they have worked or for which they currently work via job portal websites. In this study, a web crawl was used to collect reviews and job satisfaction ratings written by all and incumbent employees working in nine industries from Job Planet, a Korean job portal site. According to this analysis, regardless of the industry in question, organizational culture, welfare support, work system, growth capability and relationships had significant positive effects on job satisfaction, while time and attendance management, performance management, and organizational flexibility had significant negative effects on job satisfaction. With respect to the path difference between former and current employees, time and attendance management and organizational flexibility have greater negative effects on job satisfaction for current employees than for former employees. On the other hand, organizational culture, work system, and relationships had greater positive effects for current employees than for former employees.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Research Background
2.1. Job Satisfaction
2.2. Topic Modeling
Ⅲ. Method
3.1. Data Collection
3.2. LDA Process
3.3. Hypothesis Testing
Ⅳ. Results
4.1. Data Overview
4.2. LDA Results
Ⅴ. Research Model and Hypothesis Development
Ⅵ. Hypothesis Testing
6.1. All Industries
6.2. Individual Industry
Ⅶ. Conclusion


  • Changjae Lee Ph.D., Business Administration from the Graduate School, Kyung Hee University, Korea
  • Byunghyun Lee Master, Department of Big Data Applications, Kyung Hee University, Korea
  • Ilyoung Choi Assistant Professor, Division of Business Administration, Seo Kyeong University, Korea
  • Jaekyeong Kim Professor, Department of Big Data Analytics and School of Management, Kyung Hee University, Korea


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