

Leveraging and Fostering Diversity in the IS Discipline : Intradisciplinary Knowledge Building via the IT View-IS Phenomenon (VP) Matrix


Inchan Kim, Jama Summers

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Intradisciplinary research refers to research that integrates ideas often associated with different research domains in a discipline. Such cross-fertilization leverages abundant diversity present in the IS discipline to tackle increasingly complex IS problems and grand challenges. Despite its importance and recent attention, a concerted, sustained effort toward intradisciplinary research is lagging. A fundamental issue we see is a lack of an elaborate IS research map that effectively shows similarities and differences among research domains and demonstrates types of ideas that may travel and integrate into different domains. We thus aim to propose an elaborate IS research map and compile research elements that can be tried and combined across research domains. To do so, we utilize two IS classics (i.e., IT views and IS phenomena), identify their complementarity, and interweave the two disparate ways of portraying the IS research field. The resultant view-phenomenon (VP) matrix specifies research domains based on two consistent, comprehensive criteria and helps researchers discern similarities and differences among research domains more effectively. The VP matrix also sheds light on a variety of research elements that can flow across research domains. The VP matrix along with the research elements together facilitate intradisciplinary efforts and, more broadly, help the IS discipline to prosper. The VP matrix is particularly helpful for doctoral students and young scholars.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Conceptual Backgrounds
2.1. Intradisciplinary Knowledge Building and its Foundational Problem
2.2. IT Views by Orlikowski and Iacono(2001) – Clarification and Elaboration
2.3. IS Phenomena by Benbasat and Zmud(2003) – Clarification and Elaboration
2.4. Complementarity between IT Views and IS Phenomena
Ⅲ. Methods
3.1. Constructing an IS Research Map
3.2. Identifying Research Elements
Ⅳ. Results
4.1. The View-Phenomenon (VP) Matrix
4.2. Ideas that Can Flow across Research Domains in VP Matrix
Ⅴ. VP Matrix Application Strategies for Intradisciplinary Knowledge Building
5.1. VP Matrix Use Case Scenarios
5.2. Suggestions for Advancing Intradisciplinary Knowledge at Discipline Level
5.3. Suggestions for Building Intradisciplinary Knowledge at Micro Level
Ⅵ. Discussion and Implications
6.1. The VP Matrix
6.2. Research Elements
6.3. Specific Implications for Doctoral Students and Junior Scholars
6.4. Limitations and Future Research
Ⅶ. Conclusion


  • Inchan Kim Assistant Professor, MIS at the University of New Hampshire, USA
  • Jama Summers Assistant Professor of Practice, Director of the Business Cybersecurity Program, University of Tennessee, USA


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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