


저소득층 가계의 경제위기대응 및 경제복지 연구


A Study on the Response to Economic Crisis and the Economic Well-being of Low-income Households


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to examines how consumption spending and financial structure were changed in response to changes in income faced by low-income households in 2020 by the COVID-19. The data for this study were from the 15th(2020) Korea Welfare Panel Survey and the 16th(2021) Korea Welfare Panel Survey. The results are as follows: the amounts of consumption expenditure and non-consumption expenditure decreased for low-income households with a decrease in income and household expenditures, and increased for low-income households with a decrease in income and an increases in household expenditures. The amounts of consumption expenditure in all categories decreased for low-income households with a decrease in income and household expenditures, the amounts of consumption expenditure in other categories except for cigarettes, alcohol, clothingㆍshoes, private education, and cultural entertainment increased for low-income households with a decrease in income and an increase in household expenditures. The amounts of income in all sources except public transfer decreased both for low-income households with a decrease in income and household expenditures and for low-income households with a decrease in income and an increase in household expenditures. The amounts of total asset and net asset decreased, and the amount of total liabilities increased for low-income households with a decrease in income and household expenditures, and the amounts of total asset, total liabilities and net asset increased for low-income households with a decrease in income and an increase in household expenditures. The amounts of housing asset and other asset increased and the amounts of real estate asset and financial asset decreased for low-income households with a decrease in income and household expenditures and for low-income households with a decrease in income and an increase in household expenditures. The amounts of financial institution loan and private loan increased and the amounts of credit card and lease deposits decreased both for low-income households with a decrease in income and household expenditures and for low-income households with a decrease in income and an increase in household expenditures. An average propensity to consume, surplus and a proportion of deficit households decreased, and a marginal propensity to consume, household balance and a propensity to save increased for low-income households with a decrease in income and household expenditures, while an average propensity to consume, surplus and a proportion of deficit households increased, and a marginal propensity to consume, household balance and a propensity to save decreased for low-income households with a decrease in income and an increase in household expenditures. The characteristics of the economic response behavior by low-income households with a decrease in income were generally total income, total debt, financial assets, age, householder with temporary․daily work, self-employment․unpaid family work, unemployedㆍnon-economically active, the number of householder, and the number of working member.


본 연구는 COVID-19로 인한 경제위기에서 저소득층 가계가 소비지출 및 재무구조를 어떻게 변화시키며 대응 하였는가를 동태적으로 파악하고, 경제 대응 방식의 특성을 파악하고자 하였으며, 이를 토대로 저소득층 가계의 경제복지에 대한 함의를 도출하고자 하였다. 이를 위한 2019년과 2020년 실증분석 자료는 15차와 16차 한국복 지패널조사 자료를 활용하였다. 분석결과, 저소득층 소득감소․가계지출감소 가계는 소비지출 및 비소비지출 규모가 감소하였고, 저소득층 소 득감소․가계지출증가 가계는 소비지출 및 비소비지출 규모가 증가하였다. 저소득층 소득감소․가계지출감소 가 계는 모든 소비지출 비목에서 규모가 감소하였고, 저소득층 소득감소․가계지출증가 가계는 담배․주류, 피복신 발, 사교육 및 교양오락 규모의 감소를 제외하고 다른 비목의 규모는 증가하였다. 저소득층 소득감소․가계지출 감소 가계와 저소득층 소득감소․가계지출증가 가계는 공적이전소득을 제외하고 모든 소득원천에서 규모가 감소 하였다. 저소득층 소득감소․가계지출감소 가계는 총자산 및 순자산 규모는 감소하고 총부채는 증가하였으며, 저 소득층 소득감소․가계지출증가 가계는 총자산, 총부채 및 순자산 규모가 증가하였다. 저소득층 소득감소․가계 지출감소 가계와 저소득층 소득감소․가계지출증가 가계는 주택자산 및 기타자산 규모가 증가하였고, 부동산자산 및 금융자산 규모는 감소하였다. 저소득층 소득감소․가계지출감소 가계와 저소득층 소득감소․가계지출증가 가 계는 금융기관대출 및 일반사채 규모가 증가하였고, 신용카드 및 전세보증금 규모가 감소하였다. 저소득층 소득 감소․가계지출감소 가계는 평균소비성향, 흑자액, 적자가계 비율은 감소하였고 한계소비성향, 가계수지, 저축성 향은 증가하였으며, 저소득층 소득감소․가계지출증가 가계는 평균소비성향, 한계소비성향, 적자가계 비율, 가 계수지는 증가하였고, 흑자액, 비상자금, 저축성향은 감소하였다. 저소득층 소득감소 가계의 경제 대응 방식 특성 은 대체로 총소득, 총부채, 금융자산, 연령, 임시․일용직, 자영․무급가족종사, 실업․비경제활동의 가구주 고용 형태, 가구원수, 취업인수로 나타났다.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 선행연구 고찰
1. 1997년 말 외환위기
2. 2008년 글로벌 금융위기
3. 2020년 COVID-19 발 경제위기
Ⅲ. 연구 방법
1. 연구대상
2. 실증분석 자료
3. 분석 방법 및 변수
4. 분석대상 가계의 일반적 특성
Ⅳ. 분석결과 및 해석
1. 저소득층 가계의 소비지출 이행과 변화
2. 저소득층 가계의 재무구조 이행과 변화
3. 저소득층 가계의 경제 대응 방식과 특성
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언


  • 심영 Shim, Young. 서원대학교 공공서비스대학 사회복지학부 교수


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