

레바논 베이루트항 폭발사고 사례로 본 질산암모늄의 용도별 산화위험성에 관한 연구


A Study on the Oxidizing Hazard of Ammonium Nitrate by Use Types Through Analysis of the Explosion Accident Case in Beirut Port, Lebanon

반준화, 김종희, 강기민, 천영준

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The August 4, 2020 explosion in Beirut port, Lebanon, was a national level catastrophe. Ammonium nitrate is at the center of this accident, as revealed by the accident investigation and fire investigation at the UN/OECD level. Ammonium nitrate is classified as First-class oxidizing soilds, ‘nitrates’, under the Act on the safety control of dangerous substances and is managed with a ‘specified quantity of 300kg’ and classified as Third-class oxidizing solids, under global standards such as UN GHS and TDG. The purpose of this study is to analyze the mechanisms of major accidents by ammonium nitrate, research ammonium nitrate safety management systems in major countries, and compare the oxidizing hazard of ammonium nitrate by use types. Through this study, it is expected that it can be used as basic data to understand the type of fire caused by ammonium nitrate when identifying heat source or fire mechanism at the fire site because it is widely used in our daily lives without being aware of it.


1. 서론
2. 질산암모늄의 물성 및 사고사례
2.1 기본 물질 정보
2.2 질산암모늄 사고사례
3. 국가별 질산암모늄 안전관리 방안
3.1 국가별 안전관리 방안
4. 질산암모늄 제품별 산화 물리적 위험성 실험
4.1 실험 방법
4.2 위험물안전관리에 관한 세부기준 실험 결과
4.3 UNECE MTC O.1 실험 결과
4.4 실험 결과 분석
5. 질산암모늄 연구 결론
감사의 글


  • 반준화 JUN HWA BAN. 한국소방산업기술원
  • 김종희 JONG HEE KIM. 한국소방산업기술원
  • 강기민 KI MIN KANG. 한국소방산업기술원
  • 천영준 YOUNG JUN CHEON. 한국소방산업기술원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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