

화재시뮬레이션 프로그램을 통한 화재조사 적합성 평가에 대한 연구


A Study on Fire Investigation Suitability Evaluation Through a Fire Simulation Program

김효범, 정양권, 하주환, 김광선

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Fire investigation is an important activity that investigates the cause and process of fire occurrence and develops prevention and response measures. However, it takes effort and time to conduct actual fire investigation and reproduction experiments and verification is difficult. Therefore, in this study, we intend to test the reliability of fire investigation results using a fire simulation program that simulates an actual fire. As a result of comparative analysis of domestic actual fire investigation results and fire simulation simulation results, the suitability of the fire investigation to the objective investigation results was evaluated and after a verification process, the reliability of the fire investigation could be confirmed in advance and a conclusion could be drawn, so the accuracy of the fire investigation played a major role in raising the Through this study, The accuracy and efficiency of fire investigations will be improved and provide useful guidelines and system improvement data to experts and government agencies related to fire prevention and policy.


1. 서론
2. 연구 개요 및 연구 방법
2.1 연구 개요
2.2 연구 방법
2.3 연구 계획
3. 화재 시뮬레이션(FDS)을 통한 분석 및 평가
3.1 화재시뮬레이션(FDS)
4. 연구결과 개선방안
4.1 화재 발생경과
4.2 화재 시뮬레이션 구성
4.3 실제 화재와 화재 시뮬레이션 비교
4.4 화재 시뮬레이션 분석 결과
5. 연구결과 개선방안
5.1 화재시뮬레이션 검증 프로그램(Fire Situation Verification Program) 설계
5.2 화재시뮬레이션 검증 프로그램(Fire Situation Verification Program/FVP) 개발
6. 결론


  • 김효범 Hyo-Beom Kim. 소방청 중앙119구조본부
  • 정양권 Yang-Gwon Jeong. 동신대학교
  • 하주환 Joo-hwan Ha. 한국기술교육대학교
  • 김광선 Gwang-Sun Kim. 한국기술교육대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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