


ILO 산업안전보건 기술협약의 기본협약으로 격상 현황과 과제


The Discussion on the Upgrading of the ILO Technical Conventions on Occupational Safety and Health to the Status of Fundamental Conventions


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The ILO Governing Body at its 344th Session adopted the “Draft resolution” on issues relating to the inclusion of safe and healthy working conditions in the ILO’s framework of fundamental principles and rights at work. Some of the submitted contents of the Draft resolution are a meaningful issues of discussion and there is a clear difference in the positions between tripartite groups. The main contents of this Draft resolution are as follows: ① the terminology to be used in the Conference draft resolution amending the 1998 Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, ② the occupational safety and health instrument( s) to be recognized as fundamental, ③ the possible legal effects, direct and indirect, on existing trade agreements concluded by Member States. In relation to the above-mentioned issues reviewed this study also the positions of the tripartite group of the ILO Governing Body, Government, Employers and Worker representatives.


Ⅰ. 서
Ⅱ. ILO 제344차 이사회 결의안 초안
Ⅲ. ①과 관련(ILO 산업안전보건 기술협약의 기본협약으로 지위격상에 관한 논의 경과)
Ⅳ. ②와 관련(ILO 노동기본권 선언에 포함될 문구에 관한 논의)
Ⅴ. ④와 관련(ILO 노동기본권 선언에 기본협약으로 승인될기술협약을 선정하는 문제)
Ⅵ. ⑥과 관련(ILO 노동기본권 전문에 자유무역협정에 대한구제조항 포함의 문제)
Ⅶ. 결


  • 오상호 Oh Sang-ho. 창원대학교 법학과 부교수, 법학박사

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