

Unilateral Sixth Nerve Paralysis from Clivus Fracture : A Case Study on Rehabilitation Success



This study investigates a unique case of trauma-induced abducens nerve paralysis resulting from a rare clivus fracture in a 60-year-old patient. Following a 5-meter fall, the patient presented with symptoms including headache, contralateral limb weakness, and intense vertigo. Imaging revealed epidural and subdural hematomas, along with a right clivus fracture. Post-cranial surgery, exclusive impairment of the sixth cranial nerve was identified, manifested by the inability to abduct the right eye. Magnetic resonance imaging ruled out neoplastic and infectious causes, establishing a link to the clivus fracture. Consistent application of eye patches, except during sleep, led to significant symptomatic relief within six months, including improved lateral gaze in the right eye. This case deviates from the commonly reported bilateral damage, emphasizing the impact of severe head injuries on the abducens nerve's path through the clivus. The notable improvement post-rehabilitation with eye patches underscores the efficacy of targeted rehabilitation methods for such nerve injuries. The discussion explores various causes of abducens nerve palsy, presenting a compilation of case reports to underscore diverse etiological factors and patient demographics.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Case Description
Ⅲ. Discussion
Ⅳ. Conclusion


  • Jeong-seob Kim PM&R, Presbyterian Medical Center
  • Suk-bong Yun PM&R, Presbyterian Medical Center


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