Importance Analysis for Improving the Quality of External Space in Urban Development Projects - Focusing on the Characteristics of Each Job Category -
This study was motivated by the need to identify the characteristics of professionals involved in planning exterior spaces in urban development projects and to provide guidelines for maintaining the identity of urban images. Urban development’s impact on external spaces can alter the image of the urban structure, especially due to the many boundaries between urban and rural areas. Therefore, there is a need for public standards for external spaces in such projects. This study collects and analyzes experts' opinions to understand the characteristics of each professional, selects the relative importance of each, and uses this as a guideline for step-by-step deliberation in planning external spaces. The research scope includes analyzing each expert's characteristics based on the external space evaluation items from Lee Limjeong’s 2023 study, which builds upon existing research, and presenting the importance and priority of each expert. As a methodology, a questionnaire was conducted for each expert group using the indicators established in Lee Lim Jung's 2023 study for external spaces in urban development projects. An in-depth analysis was performed using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for each expert. Using AHP analysis, the composite weight for each of the 17 detailed items was first adjusted by the number of item weights to account for the classification level of the large and detailed items. Then, the composite importance was calculated by multiplying the importance of the large, medium, and detailed classifications. The calculated composite importance was finally adjusted by applying the number of item weights again, ensuring the sum of the 17 importance values equals 1. The final importance calculated through this process was then presented by occupation.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 방법
2. 이론 및 선행연구 고찰
2.1 외부공간
2.2 선행연구 고찰
2.3 분석의 틀
3. 외부공간계획 평가항목
3.1 분석 개요
3.2 외부공간계획 평가지표
3.3 전문가 설문
4. 전문가별 계층분석기법(AHP)
4.1 전문가별 대분류 간 중요도 평가
4.2 전문가별 외부공간 평가항목 간 중요도 평가
4.3 최종 중요도의 전문가별 비교
5. 결론