

국내 서양미술사, 서양미술이론 연구 장에 관한 연구


On the field of domestic studies on Western Art History and Western Art Theory


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Studies on western art in Korea has been caught in a dilemma that they could deal with only those things which had been arranged according to their ‘historical generalization’ in their contexts because of the bounds of time and space. It is not trivial that such conditions affect art studies in Korea. Access to the original texts and to their contexts of production is so restricted that the studies on them are prone to be superficial. And it is not independent on the politics of Korean art scene. Such factors are on the background of Korean art’s excessive ‘assimilation or accordance’ with western art. The domestic studies on western art history and art theory have failed to notice the differences in context and Korean art has simply mediated or reproduced the restricted information by those studies. Also the studies on western art in Korea have been made use of as a justifying method of one’s own academic domains. In such situations we should lead the studies on western art history and western art theory to a more reflective direction and confirm that the studies should not have any privileges of the realities. And we should try to reform a scholarship which participates in our life and existence. The field of domestic studies on western art history and western art theory should free itself from the invention of objectivity or the neutrality of mechanical reading and turn its eyes to the realities of life where events happens. Constantly suggesting which way Korean art and world art should go has to be the field’s new coordinates.


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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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