


판지 자동 접착 및 접힘 가공기 개발


Development of Carton Self-Gluing and Folding Processing Machine

목예주, 이원섭

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As a result of this study, the performance evaluation of the development of laminated paper automatic adhesive processing machine is considered and concluded as follows. The cardboard processing unit for automatic folding and gluing designed a feeder for supplying cardboard, and the prototype production was compared with the existing production and the developed product, and the production rate was improved from 31,100 to 46,500 pieces per day, and the production speed was increased from 68 to 98. The defect rate was solved by solving the folding problem by comparing the existing production and the developed product, and the standard of the defect rate of the product was based on the folding, and the X1-X4 average defect rate was confirmed to be 0,000607%.


1. 서론
2. 기술 개발 필요성
2.1 개발의 필요성
2.2 기술 개발 내용
3. 시험방법 및 성능시험
3.1 시작품 시험 테스트
4. 시험 결과
4.1 시험 결과


  • 목예주 Ye-Joo Mok. 강릉원주대학교
  • 이원섭 Won-Seub Lee. 강릉원주대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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