


국내 온실 난방부하 산정을 위한 난방적산온도의 비교분석 및 공간보간법을 이용한 지역별 제시


Regional Recommendation and Comparative Analysis of Accumulated Temperature for Seasonal Heating Load Calculation in Greenhouses

윤성욱, 손진관, 권진경, 장세훈, 오우현, 홍영신

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Korea's facility horticultural heating costs account for a high proportion. Therefore, it is the most important factor to consider in greenhouse construction. It is important to assess the heating load of greenhouses. But there is not much data from the weather station. This study determined the heating load for each segmented area using the spatial correction method. The heating degeneration calculated from standard weather data (AHDH and BHDH) and total weather data (CHDH and DHDH) is consistent. However, there was a big difference between AHDH and DHDH. Therefore, the updated heating load data for each region is needed. Each of the four types of set temperatures (8℃, 12℃, 16℃, 20℃) was provided, and the heating temperature setpoint (℃) for each region of 168 cities and counties was presented. As a result of the analysis, the reliability of about 99% was confirmed in most of the regions suggested in this study. By using the calculated heating load for each region, it is possible to predict and utilize energy consumption and management costs.


1. 서론
2. 재료 및 방법
2.1 기상자료
2.2 난방디그리아워 산정
2.3 통계분석
2.4 공간분석
3. 결과 및 고찰
3.1 난방적산온도 비교
3.2 난방디그리아워의 기술통계
3.3 온실 환경설계용 지역별 난방디그리아워 제시
4. 결론


  • 윤성욱 Sungwook Yun. 국립농업과학원
  • 손진관 Jinkwan Son. 국립농업과학원 농업공학부
  • 권진경 Jin-Kyung Kwon. 국립농업과학원
  • 장세훈 Se-Hun Jang. 국립농업과학원
  • 오우현 Woo-Hyun Oh. 국립농업과학원
  • 홍영신 Youngsin Hong. 국립농업과학원 농업공학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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