


Ti-6Al-4V 합금의 레이저 용접성에 관한 기초 연구(Part I : 레이저 출력, 용접 속도의 영향도 분석)


A Basic Study on the Laser Weldability of Ti-6Al-4V Alloys(Part I: Analysis of the Influence of Laser Power and Welding Speed)

김영현 , 하을용, 표창민, 김영원, 김재웅

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Titanium constitutes approximately 60% of the weight of steel and exhibits strength comparable to steel's but with a higher strength-to-weight ratio. Titanium alloys possess excellent corrosion resistance due to a thin oxide layer at room temperature; however, their reactivity increases above 600°C, leading to oxidation and nitridation. Welding titanium alloys presents challenges such as porosity issues. Laser welding minimizes the heat-affected zone (HAZ) by emitting high output in a localized area for a short duration. This process forms a narrow and deep HAZ, reducing the deterioration of mechanical properties and decreasing the contact area with oxygen. In this study, fiber laser welding was conducted on 8.0mm thick Ti-6Al-4V alloy using the Bead On Plate (BOP) technique. A total of 25 welding conditions were experimented with to observe bead shapes. The results demonstrated successful penetration within the 0.792mm to 8.000mm range. It was concluded that this experimental approach can predict diverse welding conditions for Ti-6Al-4V alloys of various thicknesses.


1. 서론
2. 실험 방법
2.1 실험 소재
2.2 실헙 방법
2.3 단면관찰 분석
3. 실험 결과 및 고찰
4. 결론
5. 사사


  • 김영현 Young-Hyun Kim. 한국생산기술연구원
  • 하을용 Eul-Yong Ha . 한국생산기술연구원
  • 표창민 Changmin Pyo. 한국생산기술연구원
  • 김영원 Young Won Kim . 한국생산기술연구원
  • 김재웅 Jaewoong Kim. 한국생산기술연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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