


자동차용 환상형 소음기에 관한 실험적 연구


An Experimental Study on Annulus Muffler of Automobile

김병삼, 김우진

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Internal combustion engine is the main source of environmental pollutants and therefore advanced technology is required to reduce harmful elements from the exhaust gases all over the world. Especially, when the exhaust gas is released from the automotive muffler, exhaust noise has many bad influence on the surrounding environment. In order to reduce the exhaust noise, it is necessary that automotive muffler must be designed for best exhaust efficiency. The sound insulation room was installed for the analysis of an acoustics characteristics of the noise from automotive muffler, in this study. Exhaust gas noise, noise distribution characteristics, pressure and temperature of exhaust gas were investigated with the change of annulus temperature of air cooled annulus automotive muffler and cooled annulus automotive muffler. The following results were obtained with this study. From the frequency analysis of automotive muffler, high noise distribution was observed in the range 100~2000Hz. It means that the noise in this range has an dominate influence for the overall noise. Noise reduction of automotive muffler was affected by the temperature of annulus. It is caused the result that the high temperature and pressure of exhaust gas are changed lower by the drop of annulus temperature. The tendencies of noise, the temperature and pressure of exhaust gas are similar to the performance curve of engine. Exhaust gas pressure is determined by the r.p.m. of engine and affected by the cooling performance of automotive muffler.


1. 서론
2. 환상형 소음기
3. 실험장치 및 방법소음 관리 방법
3.1 실험장치
3.2 실험방법
4. 측정결과 및 고찰
4.1 소음기의 입출구에서의 음향적 분석
4.2 환상형 소음기의 소음특성
4.3 엔진 토오크 특성
4.4 배기 온도의 특성
4.5 배기압의 특성
5. 결론


  • 김병삼 Kim, Byoung-sam . 원광대학교
  • 김우진 Kim Woo Jin. 가톨릭관동대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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