


히트그리드 실증을 위한 지하수열 밸런스 운전 제어 연구


A Verification Study of Heat Grid Utilizing Groundwater-based Balanced Operation

오소빈 , 이동수, 이재욱, 김영수, 박윤철

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study explores strategies to address the variability of heat energy using renewable energy and heat grids to achieve carbon neutrality. Renewable energy source introduce fluctuations that can impact the stability of power systems, while heat grids provide a systematic infrastructure for efficient supply of heat energy and power generation. Jeju Island is chosen as a case study, focusing on balance control based on groundwater-based geothermal energy to optimize the distribution of heat energy. The results demonstrate that the 3rd control method is the most effective in maintaining the target temperature in greenhouses, and specific temperature settings and objectives are proposed for each control method based on crop requirements. These research findings contribute to achieving carbon neutrality and reducing power consumption.


1. 서론
2. 본론
2.1 실험방법
2.2 실증사이트 선정 및 난항 부하 산정
2.3 실증사이트 설비 구축
2.4 사이트별 월별 난방 부하량 계산
2.5 재배작물 및 사이트 분석에 따른 밸런스 운전 설계
2.6 히트그리드 실증을 위한 밸런스 운전
2.7 밸런스 운전 결과 분석
3. 결론


  • 오소빈 OHSOBIN . 제주대학교
  • 이동수 Dong-Soo Lee. 제주대학교
  • 이재욱 Jae-Wook Lee. 제주대학교
  • 김영수 Young-Soo Kim. 제주대학교
  • 박윤철 Youn Cheol Park. 제주대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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