


120mm 박격포 포수전시기 전원공급 로직 개선에 관한 연구


A Study on the Improvement of Power Supply Logic for 120mm Mortar Gunner Display Device

손민구, 윤성호, 김현수, 고정민

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is a study on the malfunction that occurred during the power supply logic of the Gunner Display Device during Mortar Functional Firing under low temperature conditions. As a result of the phenomenon reproduction test and its analysis, the cause of the malfunction of the Gunner Display Device was Glitch, which occurred in the process of converting the image signal, and the improved software was applied to the Gunner's Display System by ignoring some of the image signal conversion process that causes Glitch. The improved Gunner Display Device passed the validity test and applied the improvement to the mortars. As a result of this study, several suggestions for power supply and control logic were proposed. It is expected that this study will be used as a reference in the future design of similar weapons systems.


1. 서론
2. 포수전시기 구성과 문제 현상분석
2.1 포수전시기 구성
2.2 문제 현상분석
3. 원인분석
3.1 고장 재현시험
3.2 전원공급 플로우차트 점검
3.3 하드웨어 검토
4. 개선방안 및 입증시험
4.1 개선방안
4.2 임증시험
5. 고찰
6. 결론


  • 손민구 Min-Gu Son . 국방기술품질원
  • 윤성호 Seong-Ho Yun. 국방기술품질원
  • 김현수 Hyun-Soo Kim. 국방기술품질원
  • 고정민 Jung-Min Go. snt다이내믹스


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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