

Revision of Goto and Ishii(2022) and Its Implications


Ick-Hee Ihm

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to revise two points of Goto and Ishii’s (2022) approaches and offer implications from the revisions. Concretely, first, Goto and Ishii (ibid.) explain (un)grammaticality of various sentences based on ‘Determinacy at the input of MERGE’ and ‘Phase Impenetrability Condition(PIC)’. However, they taxonomize phases simply into CP, TP, vP, and RP without specifying criterion for phase. Due to this, (un)grammaticality of various sentences cannot be explained in a unified way. This paper explains the empirical facts using Chomsky's (2015) Phase Theory as an alternative to such a phase taxonomy. Second, Goto and Ishii (ibid.) propose that Determinacy is a binary condition that applies to Search that determines the input/output of MERGE. However, the condition at Search operation cannot capture ungrammaticality of Chinese-gapped double object construction(DOC) and dative construction(DC). This paper proposes ‘a ban on the consecutivity of an identical information feature’ and provides a coherent explanation for the ungrammaticality of the above constructions. If the ban condition is tenable, it can be implied that the linearization condition needs to be added in Form Sequence(FSQ) rule or externalization, at least as far as Chinese is concerned. Finally, a brief summary of this paper is provided in the conclusion.


1. Introduction
2. Goto and Ishii’s (2022) Proposal: (i) DeterminacyApplication at the Input of MERGE and (ⅱ) PIC
2.1. The Problem of Phase Constitution and anAlternative to It
2.2. The Application of the Chomsky(2015)
3. Goto & Ishii’s (2022) Proposal: A BinaryConditionat Search Operation
3.1. Revising the Binary Condition
3.2. Proposal: A Ban on the Consecutivity of anIdentical Information Feature
3.3. The Extension of the Second Condition to OtherSentences
3.4. Implication from 3.2
4. Concluding Remarks


  • Ick-Hee Ihm Hankuk University of Foreign Studies/academic research professor


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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