

Culture Convergence (CC)

A study on Fusion image Expressed in Hair collections - Focusing on Juno Hair's 2013-2022 collection



In the 21st century, the dualistic worldview of the Cold War era collapsed and we entered an era of new creation and fusion. The fusion of different designs between East and West, the design activities of traditional clothing from the past, the use of new materials that are continuously being developed, and the mixing of unique items are being conducted in various fields. However, research is being conducted by combining fusion characteristics with hair. In addition, the period is short and the amount of research is small. Therefore, this study analyzed hairstyles of fusion images shown in hair collection using data of Juno Hair collection from 2013 to 2022 as analysis data and examined types of fusion images shown in the work of folk images, mixed images, and future images. Oriented images were divided into three categories and analyzed. In this study, we added Results of such research can be used not only as data for predicting future fashion trends, but also as basic data for exploring new design developments. In future research, it is expected that convergent research will be conducted, such as analyzing fusion images from an integrated perspective.


2.1 Fusion as culture
2.2 Fusion style with folk images
2.3 Fusion style of mixed images
2.4 Fusion style with a future-oriented image
2.5 Hair style
3.1 Research Methods
3.2 Fusion style with folk images
3.3 Fusion style of mixed images
3.4 Fusion style with a future-oriented image
3.5 Features of hair style


  • Jin Hyun Park Prof., College of Beauty Art, Seokyeong Univ., Korea
  • Hye Rroon Jang Prof., Beauty and Cosmetic Science, Eulji Univ., Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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