

Culture Convergence (CC)

Study on the Cultural Influence and Ethical Lessons in Korean Society with a Focus on the Novel “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens




In the global context, particularly in Christian nations, Christmas is considered a culturally and ethically significant time. In this study, we examine Charles Dickens' novel, “A Christmas Carol,” and the celebration of Christmas in Korea. We explore the values of Christmas in Korea derived from the significance and importance of this novel. These values include repentance, empathy, compassion, and the importance of humanity. Korean Christmas is regarded as a time for practicing these values, bearing a message akin to the transformation of characters like Scrooge. Furthermore, “A Christmas Carol” conveys a message of improvement and change over time, emphasizing change and growth in Korean Christmas. People reflect on their past, correct their mistakes, nurture hope for the future, and experience personal growth and transformation. Additionally, the novel raises awareness of social injustice and inequality, offering alternatives. In Korean society, Christmas encourages the willingness to care for and help others, facilitating discussions and understanding of societal issues. For these reasons, “A Christmas Carol” is considered a culturally and ethically significant time in Korean Christmas, and the two are intertwined in various aspects. This study explores the interaction between cultural change and ethical teachings by 'A Christmas Carol' and investigates the impact of this work on Christmas culture and social change. It serves as the basis for emphasizing moral principles and humanity during the Christmas season, and this research provides suggestions for future research directions, aiming to deepen the understanding of Dickens' work and the importance of “A Christmas Carol.” Through these efforts, it is expected that valuable insights into the connection between Christmas culture and moral messages will be gained. In this study, we will delve into the enduring appeal and cultural significance of “A Christmas Carol,” discussing how this novel has evolved into a beloved holiday tradition and a true symbol of Christmas. We will also examine the adaptation of this novel into various media and its influence on holiday season celebrations. Insights into the impact of this novel on Korean society and its continued significance in modern times will be provided, suggesting a direction for a healthier and more desirable path for Korean society.




  • Wooyoung Kim Prof., Dept. of English, Hansei University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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