

Research Article

생육시기에 따른 느타리류의 자실체 특성 변화


Growth stage-specific changes in fruiting body characteristics of Pleurotus spp.

류재산, 나경숙

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The characteristics and spore production of Gonji7ho, Bunhong, and Sunjung fruiting bodies were assessed at different growth stages. The shape of the Pleurotus species fruiting body starts out short and small, then takes on a typical mushroom shape as it grows. Gonji7ho has a long stalk, Bunhong has a short stalk and a wide cap, and Sunjung's cap and stalk dimensions are intermediate. Each variety displayed deep color at the beginning of growth but became steadily lighter with continued growth. The shape of the linkage between the mushroom stalk and cap changed from an initial central position to a lateral position after the growing stage. Gonji7ho cap diameter increased 7-fold from 15.5 mm (5 days of growth) to 37.9 mm (9 days of growth). Growth rates for each growth day measured using the growth percentage of the previous day were 285.5% (5 → 6th day), 182.2% (6 → 7th day), 129.4% (7 → 8th day), and 103.8% (8 → 9th day). This trend was also observed in Bunhong and Sunjung, but Bunhong’s growth rate was more rapid (4.9 fold on day 6, 2.7 fold on day 7) and continued to increase through day 9. Harvest yield, which is of greatest interest to farmers, displayed a similar trend spanning the growth period, as did cap diameter. Gonji7ho harvest yield increased rapidly until day 7 of growth (more than 177%), then growth slowed down beginning around day 8, and further decreased on day 9 (98%). Similar trends were observed in Bunhong and Sunjung. Bunhong showed characteristic rapid growth in harvest yield (4.9 fold compared to the previous day on day 6 and 2.7 fold on day 7), and the increase continued through day 9. A decrease in mushroom harvest yield commonly seen in the late growth stage is thought to be due to the death of some mushrooms and decomposition of cap tissue. Basidiospore content increased with number of growth days but decreased after day 8. Gonji7ho yielded the highest production on day 7 of growth, coinciding with harvest time, with 209,000,000 spores. This trend was also observed in Bunhong and Sunjung. These results will provide researchers with basal data and guide farmers in selecting the optimal harvest day.


재료 및 방법
시험균주 및 배양
배양 및 생육
자실체 특성 조사
통계 및 분석
결과 및 고찰
생육시기에 따른 일반적인 버섯형태의 변화
생육시기에 따른 형태 관련 형질의 변화(갓직경, 갓두께,대두께, 길이)
생육시기에 따른 수확량 관련 형질의 변화(경수, 경당무게, 수확량)
생육시기에 따른 갓색의 변화
표현형질간의 상관
생육일수에 따른 담자포자량
감사의 글


  • 류재산 Jae-San Ryu. 한국농수산대학교 버섯학과
  • 나경숙 Kyeong Sook Na. 한국농수산대학교 버섯학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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