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Does Happiness Always Lead to Reliance on Feelings in Decision Making?



Previous research has demonstrated that happy moods are known to promote feeling-based processing, whereas sad moods promote reason-based processing. The current research investigates a boundary condition for the effects of a happy mood on feeling-based decision making. This research proposes that the level of control (low vs. high) one exercises in a happy situation can promote a greater reliance on feelings (vs. reasons) in making judgments and decisions. Specifically, we hypothesize that (1) a happy individual in a situation where control level is low (vs. high) will be more likely to choose a cognitively (vs. affectively) superior option (hypothesis 1), and (2) a happy individual in a situation where control level is low (vs. high) will exert reason- (vs. feeling-) based processing (hypothesis 2). Consistent with the hypothesis 1, the results of two experiments show that happy individuals are more likely to choose cognitively versus affectively superior options in a situation where control level is low (vs. high). Moreover, the mediation analysis confirms that happy individuals are more likely to rely on cognitive, reason-based decision making when their control level is low, which supports the hypothesis 2.


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background and Hypotheses Development
3. Experiment 1
3.1 Method
3.2 Results
4. Experiment 2
4.1 Method
4.2 Results
5. Conclusion


  • Moon-Yong Kim Professor, College of Business, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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