

Culture Information Technology (CIT)

A study on the Performance of Hybrid Normal Mapping Techniques for Real-time Rendering



Achieving realistic visual quality while maintaining optimal real-time rendering performance is a major challenge in evolving computer graphics and interactive 3D applications. Normal mapping, as a core technology in 3D, has matured through continuous optimization and iteration. Hybrid normal mapping as a new mapping model has also made significant progress and has been applied in the 3D asset production pipeline. This study comprehensively explores the hybrid normal techniques, analyzing Linear Blending, Overlay Blending, Whiteout Blending, UDN Blending, and Reoriented Normal Mapping, and focuses on how the various hybrid normal techniques can be used to achieve rendering performance and visual fidelity. performance and visual fidelity. Under the consideration of computational efficiency, visual coherence, and adaptability in different 3D production scenes, we design comparative experiments to explore the optimal solutions of the hybrid normal techniques by analyzing and researching the code, the performance of different hybrid normal mapping in the engine, and analyzing and comparing the data. The purpose of the research and summary of the hybrid normal technology is to find out the most suitable choice for the mainstream workflow based on the objective reality. Provide an understanding of the hybrid normal mapping technique, so that practitioners can choose how to apply different hybrid normal techniques to the corresponding projects. The purpose of our research and summary of mixed normal technology is to find the most suitable choice for mainstream workflows based on objective reality. We summarized the hybrid normal mapping technology and experimentally obtained the advantages and disadvantages of different technologies, so that practitioners can choose to apply different hybrid normal mapping technologies to corresponding projects in a reasonable manner.


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Examination
3. Experimental cases
3.1 Linear Blending
3.2 Overlay Blending
3.3 Whiteout Blending
3.4 UDN Blending
3.5 Reoriented Normal Mapping
4. Data Comparison


  • ZhengRan Liu Master, Department of Visual Contents, Dongseo University, China.
  • KiHong Kim Professor, Department of Visual Contents, Dongseo University, Korea.
  • YuanZi Sang Doctor, Department of Visual Contents, Dongseo University, China.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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