

Culture Information Technology (CIT)

Design and Implementation of Scent-Supported Educational Content using Arduino



Due to the development of science and technology in the 4th Industrial Revolution, a variety of content is being developed and utilized through educational courses linked to digital textbooks. Students use smart devices to engage in realistic virtual learning experiences, interacting with the content in digital textbooks. However, while many realistic contents offer visual and auditory effects like 3D VR, AR, and holograms, olfactory content that evokes actual sensations has not yet been introduced. Therefore, in this paper, we designed and implemented 4D educational content by adding the sense of smell to existing content. This implemented content was tested in classrooms through a curriculum-based evaluation. Classes taught with olfactory-enhanced content showed a higher percentage of correct answers compared to those using traditional audio-visual materials, indicating improved understanding.


1. Introduction
2. Related studies
3. Realistic content design using Arduino
4. Implementation of scent spray system
5. Application to classes and analysis of effectiveness
6. Conclusion


  • Hye-kyung Kwon Master's course student, Department of AI Convergence, Andong National University, Korea
  • Heesun Kim Professor, Department of Software Convergence, Andong National University, Korea


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