

Human-Machine Interaction Technology (HIT)

A Study on DNN-based STT Error Correction



This study is about a speech recognition error correction system designed to detect and correct speech recognition errors before natural language processing to increase the success rate of intent analysis in natural language processing with optimal efficiency in various service domains. An encoder is constructed to embedded the correct speech token and one or more error speech tokens corresponding to the correct speech token so that they are all located in a dense vector space for each correct token with similar vector values. One or more utterance tokens within a preset Manhattan distance based on the correct utterance token in the dense vector space for each embedded correct utterance token are detected through an error detector, and the correct answer closest to the detected error utterance token is based on the Manhattan distance. Errors are corrected by extracting the utterance token as the correct answer.


1. Introduction
2. Related Works
3. Design and Implementation
4. Conclusion


  • Jong-Eon Lee Professional, Enterprise Division, LG UPLUS


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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