

Human-Machine Interaction Technology (HIT)

Analysis of AI Content Detector Tools



With the rapid development of AI technology, ChatGPT and other AI content creation tools are becoming common, and users are becoming curious and adopting them. These tools, unlike search engines, generate results based on user prompts, which puts them at risk of inaccuracy or plagiarism. This allows unethical users to create inappropriate content and poses greater educational and corporate data security concerns. AI content detection is needed and AI-generated text needs to be identified to address misinformation and trust issues. Along with the positive use of AI tools, monitoring and regulation of their ethical use is essential. When detecting content created by AI with an AI content detection tool, it can be used efficiently by using the appropriate tool depending on the usage environment and purpose. In this paper, we collect data on AI content detection tools and compare and analyze the functions and characteristics of AI content detection tools to help meet these needs.


1. Introduction
2. AI Content Detector
3. AI Content Detector Tools
3.1 Originality.ai
3.2 GPTZero
3.3 Winston AI
3.4 Content at Scale's AI Detector
4. Comparison of AI Content Detector Tools
5. Conclusion


  • Yo-Seob Lee Professor, School of ICT Convergence, Pyeongtaek University
  • Phil-Joo Moon Professor, Dept. of Information & Communication, Pyeongtaek University


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