

Telecommunication Information Technology (TIT)

Optimizing User Experience While Interacting with IR Systems in Big Data Environments



In the user-centered design paradigm, information systems are created entirely tailored to the users who will use them. When the functions of a complex system meet a simple user interface, users can use the system conveniently. While web personalization services are emerging as a major trend in portal services, portal companies are competing for a second service, such as introducing ‘integrated communication platforms’. Until now, the role of the portal has been content and search, but this time, the goal is to create and provide the personalized services that users want through a single platform. Personalization service is a login-based cloud computing service. It has the characteristic of being able to enjoy the same experience at any time in any space with internet access. Personalized web services like this have the advantage of attracting highly loyal users, making them a new service trend that portal companies are paying attention to. Researchers spend a lot of time collecting research-related information by accessing multiple information sources. There is a need to automatically build interest information profiles for each researcher based on personal presentation materials (papers, research projects, patents). There is a need to provide an advanced customized information service that regularly provides the latest information matched with various information sources. Continuous modification and supplementation of each researcher's information profile of interest is the most important factor in increasing suitability when searching for information. As researchers' interest in unstructured information such as technology markets and research trends is gradually increasing from standardized academic information such as patents, it is necessary to expand information sources such as cutting-edge technology markets and research trends. Through this, it is possible to shorten the time required to search and obtain the latest information for research purposes. The interest information profile for each researcher that has already been established can be used in the future to determine the degree of relationship between researchers and to build a database. If this customized information service continues to be provided, it will be useful for research activities.


1. Introduction
2. Personalized Information Systems in STEAM
3. Discussion and Conclusion


  • Minsoo Park Department of Data Science, School of Applied Artificial Intelligence Engineering, Kangnam University


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