

IT Marketing and Policy

A Secure Healthcare System Using Holochain in a Distributed Environment



We propose to design a Holochain-based security and privacy protection system for resource-constrained IoT healthcare systems. Through analysis and performance evaluation, the proposed system confirmed that these characteristics operate effectively in the IoT healthcare environment. The system proposed in this paper consists of four main layers aimed at secure collection, transmission, storage, and processing of important medical data in IoT healthcare environments. The first PERCEPTION layer consists of various IoT devices, such as wearable devices, sensors, and other medical devices. These devices collect patient health data and pass it on to the network layer. The second network connectivity layer assigns an IP address to the collected data and ensures that the data is transmitted reliably over the network. Transmission takes place via standardized protocols, which ensures data reliability and availability. The third distributed cloud layer is a distributed data storage based on Holochain that stores important medical information collected from resource-limited IoT devices. This layer manages data integrity and access control, and allows users to share data securely. Finally, the fourth application layer provides useful information and services to end users, patients and healthcare professionals. The structuring and presentation of data and interaction between applications are managed at this layer. This structure aims to provide security, privacy, and resource efficiency suitable for IoT healthcare systems, in contrast to traditional centralized or blockchain-based systems. We design and propose a Holochain-based security and privacy protection system through a better IoT healthcare system.


3.1 System Component
3.2 IoT Healthcare System Overview
3.3 Proposal Algorithm


  • Jong-Sub Lee Professor, College of General Education, SeMyung University, Jecheon, Korea
  • Seok-Jae Moon Professor, Department of Artificial Intelligence Institute of Information Technology, KwangWoon University, Korea


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