


A Survey for Vulnerability Attack and Defense Method of Satellite-Link Based Communication System



Satellite based communication is networks in which users in a wide area can access without wired-based ground infrastructure. In particular, the need is emerging due to the recent Ukraine-Russia war. Satellite network systems acquire data that is difficult to observe on Earth as well as communication networks and are also used for research and development, which allows additional data to be produced. However, due to the nature of communication networks existing in outer space, certain vulnerabilities are revealed, and attacks based on them can be exposed. In this paper, we analyze vulnerabilities that may arise due to the nature of satellite communication networks and describes current research, countermeasures, and future research directions.


1. Introduction
2. Experiments
2.1. Access
2.2. Uplink Transmission
2.3. Satellite Routing
2.4. Downlink reception
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion


  • Isaac Sim LIG Nex1, Cyber-Electronic Warfare R&D, Research Engineer
  • Jinwoo Jeong LIG Nex1, Cyber-Electronic Warfare R&D, Research Engineer
  • Sangbom Yun LIG Nex1, Cyber-Electronic Warfare R&D, Research Engineer
  • Yunsik Lim Yeoju Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Professor
  • Junghyun Seo LIG Nex1, Cyber-Electronic Warfare R&D, Research Engineer


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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