

새롭게 확인된 여말선초 초간본 문집 3종의 서지적 특징과 가치


The Bibliographic Characteristics and Values of the Three Newly Identified Collection of Writings First Published in the Late Goryeo and Early Chosun Period


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines three new types of writings that were newly identified while conducting research on early writings before the 15th century, focusing on the existing situation and bibliographic characteristics. It was dealt with in the bibliographic aspect, focusing on the existing books of three early anthologies, and after a comprehensive review of the morphological characteristics of the anthology, the records of preface and questioning, and some facts and records related to publication, the three books identified this time are considered to be early editions published independently before the publication of the intermediate version. It seems clear that the period was 1363 Ikjenang-go(益齋亂藁), Yeokong-paeseul(櫟翁稗說). 1400 Yuhang Poetry Book(柳巷先生詩集), and 1411 Dunchon Japyeong(遁村雜詠). Lee Je-hyun’s Ikjenang-go and Yeokong-paeseul Goryeo publications have been known only from records and have not been properly confirmed. Dunchon Japyeong by Yi Jip (1314-1387) is also a book published by Gongju in 1411, 40 years before the earliest publication of the current period. Han-su’s book of poems by 脩s 1333-1384 is the same edition as the Harvard University library, and remains only in the Korea University library in Korea.


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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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