

영조조 「御製大訓」, 「御製添刊大訓」 및 「御製改補大訓」의 편․간과 현존본 분석에 관한 연구


A Study on the Compilation, Publication, Analysis of Existing Books of Yeongjojo’s Eoje Daehun, Eoje Cheomgandaehun and Eoje Gaebodaehun


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examined and researched in detail the compilation and publication of Eoje Daehun, Eoje Cheomgandaehun and Eoje Gaebodaehun, and Based on the results of compilation and publication of each literature, I investigated and analyzed the existing books to accurately identify the year of publication of each book. the results are as follow. Eoje Daehun was composed, compiled, published and distributed in the 17th year of King Yeongjo (1741) as Eojedaehun, Eojegomyomun and Eojegyodaesosinryojungoeminseoseo. In this book, in order to properly reveal the injustice of loyalty and Sinimsahwa surrounding the issue of installing the crown prince during Gyeongjong, it is made clear that Yeongjo is the orthodox of the three bloodlines, Kim, Il Gyeong and Mok, Ho Ryong’s Iminokan was burned as the source of the Musin Rebellion, and Revealed the perjury of the Samsuseol directed by Mok, Ho Ryong, and Kim, Yong Taek, Lee, Chun Ki, Lee, Hee Ji, Sim, Sang Gil, and Jeong, In Joong, who were involved in the false poetry incident, were recognized as rebellious. In addition, through the publication and distribution of this book, it was reaffirmed that it would be left as a permanent record and set as a rule to correct party strife. Eoje Cheomgandaehun is based on Eojedaehun, Eojegomyomun and Eojegyodaesosinryojungoeminseoseo, which are Eoje Daehun in the 17th year of King Yeongjo (1741), and After punishing Cho, Tae Gu, Yu, Bong Hui, and others, and punishing the instigators related to the Najugwaeseo, Eojegyojungoedaesosinryogilogunminhanlyanginseo and Yooneum, which is the king’s message to the people, were added and published and distributed by woodblock. The text of Eoje Gaebodaehun was revised in the 42nd year of King Yeongjo (1766). In the main text, Kim, Yong Taek’s sins were forgiven, and the related contents were corrected, the word of Samsu was deleted, and the part related to the false poetry was deleted. In the 45th year of King Yeongjo (1769), Eoje Daehun amended on January 21, 2013, Eojegyojungoedaesosinryogilogunminhanlyanginseo and Yooneum were added and published and distributed. Looking at the extant books, first, From Eoje Daehun in the 17th year of King Yeongjo (1741), The contents of each library collection are Eojedaehun, Eojegomyomun and Eojegyodaesosinryojungoeminseoseo. On the face of the book, ‘諭書之寶’ is stamped, and on ‘K2-1844’, ‘李王家圖書之章’ is also stamped. There is Naesagi on the back of the title page of each book, and on October 29, the 17th year of King Yeongjo (1741), Seungji Lee, Eui Cheon (한古朝31), Jeongyori Lee, Seong Joong (想白古951.053-Y43e)), and Gangwondosa Choi, Seong Dae (K2-1844), and Hong, Chang Han (고서(I) 951.61 영조 어-판-나) respectively. Second, From Eoje Cheomgandaehun in the 31st year of King Yeongjo (1755), The contents of ‘奎 3782’ and ‘奎 1875’ in the Kyujanggak Institute of Korean Studies, Seoul National University are Eojedaehun, Eojegomyomun, Eojegyodaesosinryojungoeminseoseo, Eojegyojungoedaesosinryogilogunminhanlyanginseo, and Yooneum. These books are marked with ‘諭書之寶’ on the side of the book, and given to Yemungwan (奎 3782) and Sago (奎 1875) in April of the 31st year of King Yeongjo (1755). Among Eoje Cheomgandaehun, it is in very good condition. Third, From Eoje Gaebodaehun in the 45th year of King Yeongjo (1769), the Kyujanggak Institute of Korean Studies at Seoul National University ‘古 5120-58’, Yonsei University Library ‘원씨문고 951.61 영조 어-판-가’, Korea University library collection ‘B-9 A-18A’ and Kyunghee University library ‘古 951.57 Yeong 75ㅇ’ are books that matches the composition of the contents with Bansagi of the 45th year of King Yeongjo (1769). In the collection of Yonsei University Library, ‘원씨문고 951.61 영조 어-판’ partially reflects the corrections made in the 45th year of King Yeongjo (1769) in ink in the text of Eojedaehun in th...


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