

흑인대통령 시대의 탈인종적 환상과 자유주의적 인종차별 — 영화 <겟 아웃>을 중심으로


Post-Racial Fantasy in the Era of the Black President and Liberal Racism in the Movie Get Out


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Jordan Peele’s film Get Out critically examines the “post-racial lie” within American society during the era of the first black president. To challenge the post-racial illusion, Peele focuses on the liberal racism of urban white middle-class people, rather than the overt racism prevalent in the American South. Thus, the villains in the film are not Southern rednecks but affluent white individuals in New York. By highlighting black individuals victimized by ostensibly liberal whites Peele’s psycho-horror film assaults the post-racial illusion and compels audiences to confront racial realities. This essay discusses two distinct themes presented in Peele’s film scrutinizing liberal racism in contemporary American society. First, Get Out embraces the classic motif of black abduction, drawing a connection between modern-day racism in America and the era of slavery. Within the movie, white characters abduct and auction black people to exploit their bodies. This starkly associates contemporary American society with the antebellum South. Second, Peele’s film dramatizes the racial fantasies ingrained within white consciousness. In Get Out, the abducted black people all fall victims to white people’s fantasies about blackness—fantasies involving physical strength, sexual prowess, sensual black female bodies, and atavistic instincts. By delving into these themes, this essay aims to elucidate the messages conveyed in the film Get Out to its contemporary audience, who may have been enticed by the illusion of a post-racial America.


Ⅰ. 흑인 대통령 시대를 향한 외침
Ⅱ. 노예제도의 그림자
Ⅲ. 흑인의 몸 그리고 백인들의 판타지
Ⅳ. 트럼프 시대의 관객을 위한 결말


  • 김광순 Kwangsoon Kim. 국립공주대 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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