


탄산나트륨 함유 샴푸의 실리콘 오일 제거 효과


Effect of shampoo containing sodium carbonate on removing silicone oil


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Almost all hair cosmetics contain silicone oil, and while it has a positive effect of giving hair a smooth shine, it can also be a hindrance to permed and colored hair. Moreover, silicone oil cannot be removed with regular shampoo. In this study, a shampoo containing sodium carbonate was developed to solve the problems caused by silicone oil deposited on hair, and its efficacy was verified. To verify the effectiveness of the shampoo, virgin hair was collected and bleached once. Afterwards, commercially available hair oil was applied to the bleached hair to produce sample hair. The sample hair was washed 1, 3, and 5 times with a commercially available shampoo and the developed shampoo. To verify the effectiveness of the developed shampoo, the concentration of silicone oils cyclopentasiloxane (CPS) and dimethicone (DMC) remaining in the hair were measured. CPS was analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and DMC was analyzed gravimetrically. The research results were as follows. When washed three times with the developed shampoo, the CPS removal rate was higher than when washed five times with a commercially available shampoo. Most of the DMC deposited on the hair could be removed by washing it three times with the developed shampoo. Therefore, it was proven that the pretreatment shampoo developed in this study was effective in removing silicone oil deposited on hair. However, since the pretreatment shampoo manufactured in this study has a somewhat high alkalinity, it is necessary to perform additional hair treatment after using the developed shampoo.


大部分美发产品中都含有硅油, 硅油具有使头发光滑光泽的积极作用, 但也可能会妨 碍烫发和染发过程和效果. 然而, 硅油不能用普通洗发水去除, 因此, 本研究开发了一种含 有碳酸钠的洗发水并验证了其功效, 以解决硅油沉积在头发上引起的各种问题􀕶为验证洗发 水的有效性, 收集了自然发质并漂白了一次, 然后, 将市售的发油涂抹在漂白的头发上, 并 用市售洗发水和开发的洗发水在一定条件下分别清洗了一次, 三次和五次, 通过以上方法测 量去除残留在头发中的环戊硅氧烷(CPS)与二甲基硅氧烷(DMC)的浓度, 并以此来验证其有效性􀕶 本研究使用气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)分析了 CPS, 使用重量分析法分析了 DMC􀕶研究结果 表明, 与使用市售洗发水清洗5次相比, 开发的洗发水清洗3次后的CPS去除率更高, 使用开 发的洗发水清洗3次后也能去除大部分DMC, 因此, 本研究开发的预处理洗发水可以有效去 除头发上沉积的硅油, 然而, 由于本研究中生产的预处理洗发水的碱度较高, 因此在使用产 品后应并行对头发进行护发等额外工作.


I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
1. 모발 화장품에 사용되는 실리콘 오일
2. 헤어 샴푸의 기능과 종류
III. 실험재료 및 방법
1. 실험 재료
2. 실험 방법
IV. 연구 결과 및 고찰
1. 실리콘 오일 제거 효과 검증 실험 모발 선택
2. 개발 샴푸의 실리콘 오일 제거 효과
3. 모발에 침착된 실리콘 오일 제거를 위한 개발 샴푸사용 횟수
V. 결론
참고 문헌


  • 김태영 Tae Young Kim. 동의과학대학교 헤어뷰티과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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