


잠재성장모형을 적용한 노인의 우울 변화와 영향요인 분석


Analysis of Depression Changes and Influential Factors in Older Adults : Applying the Latent Growth Model

김민주, 박경연

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to examine the patterns of depressive changes in the elderly over time and analyze the influence of health satisfaction, family relationship satisfaction, and social relationship satisfaction on the rate of depressive changes among individual elderly individuals. This study is a secondary data analysis using data from the Korean Welfare Panel Study, conducted through a stratified multi-stage cluster sampling method. The study participants included 147 individuals who responded to depression surveys in a total of 5 follow-up surveys conducted every 3 years among 16,613 elderly individuals who entered old age (65 years and older) in the third year (2008) of the survey. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics with SPSS/WIN 27.0, and factors influencing changes in depression were analyzed using the Latent Growth Model with AMOS 27.0. The levels of depression in the elderly were found to exhibit non-linear patterns of decrease and increase. Health satisfaction was found to influence the initial value (B=-1.423, p<.001) and the rate of change (B=0.308, p=.004) of depression. Family relationship satisfaction and social relationship satisfaction were not significant for both the initial values and slopes of depression (p>.05). Among control variables, gender (B=-2.128, p=.003) influenced the initial value of depression. The formulation and intervention of strategies for preventing and managing elderly depression can be more effectively focused on improving initial health satisfaction among the elderly.


本研究旨在于探索老年人抑郁症随时间流逝的变化模式, 并分析老年人个体健康满意度, 家庭关系满意度, 社会关系满意度对老年人抑郁症变化率的影响, 本研究数据是基于韩国福 利专门小组追踪调查材料的二次数据分析研究, 该调查采用了分层多阶段整群抽样方法􀕶本 次分析纳入的受试者为在调查的第三年(2008年)步入65岁老年期的16,613位老人, 在共5次的 跟踪调查中, 有147人回答了所有每 3 年一次发放的抑郁症相关问卷, 本研究使用SPSS/WIN 27. 0, 对收集的数据进行了描述性统计, 并运用基于AMOS 27.0的潜在增长模型(Latent Growth Model, LGM)分析了影响抑郁症变化的因素, 研究发现, 被试者的抑郁水平并未呈现线性模式, 而是呈现出反复下降和上升􀕶健康满意度对抑郁初始值(B=-1.423, p<.001)和抑郁变化率 (B=0.308, p=.004)有影响, 调查对象对家庭关系的满意度和对社会关系的满意度在抑郁的初 始值和斜率上均无统计学意义(p>.05)􀕶控制变量中, 性别(B=-2.128, p=.003)影响抑郁症的初始值􀕶 因此, 今后需要以提高老年人早期健康满意度为重点, 制定老年人抑郁症预防和管理策略并 进行有效干预.


I. 서론
1. 연구 필요성
2. 연구목적
II. 연구방법
1. 연구설계
2. 연구대상
3. 연구도구
4. 자료 분석
III. 연구 결과
1. 대상자의 특성
2. 우울정도
3. 우울 변화에 대한 예측요인 분석
IV. 고찰
V. 결론 및 제언


  • 김민주 Min Ju Kim. 동아대학교 간호학부 교수
  • 박경연 Kyung-Yeon Park. 신라대학교 간호학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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