


화장품업 자격기준 개선을 위한 국·내외 법규 비교분석 및 비지니스 유형 중요도 분석


Comparative analysis of domestic and international laws and regulations and analysis of the importance of business types to improve qualification standards for the cosmetics industry


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In order to enhance the global competitiveness of the Korean cosmetics industry, this study compared Korean cosmetics laws and regulations with those of foreign countries. Also, to understand the need for customized cosmetics formulators, an AHP survey was conducted among cosmetics experts on the importance of five types of business, and the results were analyzed with a Consistency Index of 0.0974. After comparing and analyzing the Korean Cosmetics Law and overseas cosmetics laws, it was found that many regulations in the Korean Cosmetics Law that do not exist in overseas countries. In particular, the regulations related to cosmetics managers have many conditions compared to foreign countries, and there is one more qualification called customized cosmetics formulation manager that does not exist in foreign countries. The qualification requirements for cosmetics responsible sales managers were also found to be higher than in other countries. In other countries, customized cosmetics are not regulated separately, but are applied to the existing cosmetics regulations. In the survey on the importance of customized cosmetics business types, the tasks that require a customized cosmetics formulation manager's license were found to be less important. Therefore, it is considered that the Korean cosmetics law should be relaxed and improved in terms of qualification standards.


摘要: 为培养我国化妆品产业的全球竞争力, 本研究针对我国化妆品法律规制与国外的法律 规制进行了比较, 此外, 为了解个性化化妆品配方管理师的必要性, 本研究以化妆品专家为研究 对象, 对5种类型业务的重要性进行了AHP问卷调查, 并将调查数据用 Consistence Index 0.0974 进行了分析􀕶针对对我国化妆品法和海外化妆品法进行比较分析的结果显示, 我国化妆品法 中存在很多海外没有的规定, 特别是与化妆品管理者相关的规定与国外相比条件较多, 而且 还存在国外不存在的 “个性化化妆品配方管理师” 的资格, 据调查, 对化妆品责任销售管理师 的资格规定也比国外的资格条件要高, 从国外的情况可以看出, 没有单独制定个性化化妆品 的规定, 而是依然适用通用的化妆品规定, 个性化化妆品商业类型重要程度调查结果显示, 具有个性化妆品配方管理师资格证的业务重要程度呈现较低􀕶因此, 以推断, 我国化妆品法 资格标准需要持续地完善.


I. 서론
II. 연구 배경
1. 우리나라 화장품 제조 현황
2. 우리나라 화장품법규
III. 연구내용 및 방법
1. 연구방법
2. 연구 내용
IV. 연구결과 및 고찰
1. 국내·외 화장품 관련 규정 비교
2. 맞춤형화장품 비즈니스 유형 중요도
V. 결론


  • 김주리 Ju ri Kim. 장안대학교 건강과학부 뷰티케어과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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