

메타버스 활용 안전교육이 초등학생의 소방안전의식에 미치는 영향


Examining the Impact of Metaverse-Based Safety Education on Elementary School Students' Fire Safety Awareness

이홍상, 장덕진, 공하성

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to verify the impact of a metaverse-based safety education program on the fire safety awareness of elementary school students. Utilizing the National Fire Agency's 119 metaverse program, an educational program was implemented for two months, and the experimental group was examined using paired-sample t-tests, while comparisons with the control group were made using independent-sample t-tests. The results revealed statistically significant differences between the experimental and control groups in the area of fire prevention. Although no statistically significant differences were observed over time within each group, the overall average scores for the entire class improved across all areas. Based on these findings, the effectiveness of metaverse-based safety education is suggested; however, a significant difference compared to traditional education was not detected. The study concludes by exploring implications for considerations in the implementation of metaverse safety education in the future.


1. 서론
2. 연구 방법
2.1 연구 설계 및 모형
2.2 연구 대상 및 기간
2.3 설문 문항 개발 및 문항 구성
2.4 자료 분석 방법
3. 연구 결과
3.1 대상자의 인구·사회학적 특성
3.2 안전교육 전·후 소방안전의식 변화
3.3 통제집단 및 실험집단 간 차이
3.4 성별에 따른 소방안전의식 차이
4. 결론 및 제언
5. References


  • 이홍상 Hong - Sang Lee. 전주완산소방서 소방장
  • 장덕진 Deok-Jin Jang. 우석대학교 일반대학원 소방·안전공학과 박사과정
  • 공하성 Ha-Sung Kong. 우석대학교 소방방재학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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