


A Study on Comparative Analysis of Fire Weather Risk Index Models for Wooden Cultural Heritage



Globally, research on fire weather indices (FWIs) has been conducted to establish fire risk management systems at national or regional scales. In this study, 16 existing FWIs were compared and analyzed, and the five most suitable cases were evaluated to confirm their applicability in Korea. Meteorological factors applied to 16 FWIs collected and surveyed around the world including wind, temperature, relative humidity, effective humidity, precipitation, vapor saturation pressure, potential evapotranspiration, and dew point. The estimated risk levels based on FWI values are generally divided into five grades: As a result of applying five FWIs to Korea’s forest area, Korea’s fire weather risk was found to be 2 to 3 grades lower than in countries where this index was introduced, and the fire season in forest areas was also found to be different. A statistically significant correlation was found between the risk index based on forest fire statistics such as wind speed, relative humidity, and effective humidity and meteorological factors, but temperature did not show a significant correlation.


1. Introduction
2. Analysis of FWIs
2.1 Fuel Moisture Contents and FWI
2.2 Drought Index and FWI
3. Application of 5 FWIs to Rep. of Korea
4. Results
5. Conclusions


  • Kim, Donghyun Member. Professor, Department of Fire and Safety Engineering, Jeonju University, Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis


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