

중고생들의 식습관 및 구강보건행태와 구강건강 상태의 관련성 연구


The relationship between of snack habits, oral health behavior and oral health status in middle and high school students

윤현경, 이종화, 황다혜

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Objectives: This study attempted to identify the eating habits and oral health behaviors of Korean teenagers, studying their relationship with oral health status. The findings serve as fundamental data to enhance proper eating habits and oral health-related projects, ultimately improving teenagers’ oral health. Methods: It was analyzed through the original data of the 16th (2020) online survey of youth health behavior in Korea, Frequency analysis, complex sample cross-analysis, complex sample logistic regression analysis were conducted using the SPSSwin 21.0 program. Results: As a result of the study, was associated with the consumption of all sweet drinks, fast food intake, and the frequency of daily brushing over the past 7 days Teeth pain is noted with the consumption of soda, sweet drinks, fast food, and the frequency of daily brushing over the past 7 days. Gum bleeding is noted with the consumption of sweetened products, fast food intake, and the frequency of daily brushing over the past 7 days. Conclusions: Eating habits and oral health behaviors should be considered for the oral health management of middle and high school students. Specific measures should be sought to provide proper dietary education and systematic oral health education to improve the oral health of middle and high school students.


1. 서론
2. 연구 대상 및 방법
2.1. 연구 대상
2.2. 연구조사 방법
2.3. 자료 분석
3. 연구 결과
3.1. 인구 사회학적 특성, 식습관, 구강 보건행태에 따른 외상
3.2. 인구 사회학적 특성 및 식습관, 구강 보건 행태에 따른 통증
3.3. 인구 사회학적 특성, 식습관, 구강 보건행태에 따른 출혈
3.4. 식습관, 구강 보건 행태가 구강건강 상태(치아 외상, 치아 통증, 출혈)에 미치는 영향
4. 고찰


  • 윤현경 Hyun-Kyung Yun. 구미대학교 치위생과
  • 이종화 Jong-Hwa Lee. 수성대학교 치기공과
  • 황다혜 Da-Hye Hwang. 경북전문대학교 치위생과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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