


Analysis of Receiving Strength according to the Attachment Location of RFID tag in Palletized Unit-load of Agricultural Products


Jong Min Park, Eon Uck Kang, Hyun Mo Jung

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was conducted as a basic study for the selection of tags suitable for logistics management in the palletized unit-load unit and the development of various technologies to activate the palletized unit-load shipment of agricultural products through local APCs. Three types of passive RFID tags of UHF 900 MHz and one type of active RFID tag of 2.4 GHz band designed and manufactured through this study were used to analyze the receiving strength according to the tag’s attachment location and distance of the palletized unit-load of agricultural products. In the passive RFID tag, there was a large difference in receiving strength by the tag’s attachment location and a large amount of data loss depending on the distance within 30 m, whereas, in the active RFID tag, it was superior to the passive tags in terms of both receiving strength and data loss. Therefore, active tags are desirable from the perspective of multiple identification of warehouses with large spaces in relation to the application of RFID tags for palletized unit-loads of agricultural products, but the development of low-power technologies such as software wakeup power management as well as hardware to minimize battery power consumption is necessary.


Experimental Design and Methods
1. Measurement environment of UHF RFID system
2. Active RFID tag and reader design
3. Field test for receiving strength of RFID tag
4. Data acquisition parameters and analysis
Results and Discussion
1. Performance tests on active RFID tag and reader designed and manufactured
2. Receiving strength of positive RFID tag according to tag location and travel distance of palletized unit-load
3. Receiving strength of active RFID tag according to tag location and travel distance of palletized unit-load
Summary and Conclusions


  • Jong Min Park Department of Bio-industrial Machinery Engineering, Pusan National University
  • Eon Uck Kang Research & Development Center of RESCO co., ltd
  • Hyun Mo Jung Department of Logistic Packaging, Kyoungbuk Science College


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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