

Original Article

Effect of bodybuilding athletes’ weight loss method on performance factors and immune function


Jung-Hwan Kim, Jun-Su Kim

한국운동재활학회 JER Vol.19 No.6 2023.11 pp.357-362
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was conducted on elite bodybuilders for 6 weeks using two weight loss methods (traditional method=high-weight loss vs. new method=low-weight loss). The subjects of this study were 26 male ac-tive elite bodybuilders who voluntarily wanted to participate in this ex-periment, and were divided into experimental group and traditional group. The traditional and experimental groups underwent dietary re-strictions and training for 6 weeks. The conclusion obtained from the results of this study is that in the case of anthropometric variables, there is a difference in weight class between the two groups. The ex-perimental group’s upper arm circumference was maintained com-pared to the pre-measured value after post-measurement, while the traditional group decreased, and a significant interaction effect was observed. In particular, a significant interaction effect was observed. In that the absolute value of maximum oxygen intake was significantly in-creased only in the post-experimental group compared to the pretest, and an interaction effect was observed, the use of low-weight loss method is more effective than the traditional method of high-weight loss method. An increase in some cytokines was observed despite tradition-al weight loss, but it did not cause an excessive decrease in immunity or a sharp decrease in performance factors. As a result of this experi-ment, it is judged that the use of a low-weight loss method is more pref-erable than the traditional high-weight loss method in relation to perfor-mance variables.


Blood analysis
Maximum oxygen intake measurement
Measurement of maximal strength
Body measurements
Types and specific methods of exercise
Data processing
Changes in anthropometric variables according to weight loss method
Changes in pre- and postperformance factors according to weight loss method
Changes and analysis results in pre- and postblood variables according to weight loss method


  • Jung-Hwan Kim Department of Family Medicine, Kangnam Eulji Hospital, Eulji University, Seoul, Korea
  • Jun-Su Kim Department of Sports and Outdoors, College of Bio Convergence, Eulji University, Seongnam, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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