

Original Article

Effects of plank exercise on respiratory capacity, physical fitness, and immunocytes in older adults


Sihwa Park, Byung-Hwa Choi, Yong-Seok Jee

한국운동재활학회 JER Vol.19 No.6 2023.11 pp.332-338
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Plank is a readily accessible form of exercise that can benefit individu-als of various fitness levels. However, its effectiveness in older individu-als has not been conclusively established. Specifically, its impact on re-spiratory function, physical fitness, and immunocytes in them has not been thoroughly verified. The study encompassed participants with an average age of 64.33±1.98 years. All participants were randomly as-signed to either the control group (COG) or the plank exercise group (PXG). The plank exercise was conducted 3 days a week for 12 weeks. While the values in the COG deteriorated, the PXG showed significant improvements in several parameters. Forced expiratory volume in one second and peak expiratory flow increased by approximately 27% and 16%, respectively, in the PXG, demonstrating significant differences (P<0.001) between the two groups. Additionally, VO2max, grip strength, and sit-ups increased by about 12%, 18%, and 42% in the PXG. Notably, innate immunocytes, such as NK cells, increased by approximately 30% in the PXG. For adaptive immunocytes, including CD3+ T cells, CD4+ T cells, and CD8+ T cells, there were notable increases of around 18%, 19%, and 28%, respectively, in the PXG. These findings underline signifi-cant differences (P<0.001) between the two groups. This study pro-vides confirmation that engaging in plank exercise can enhance the function of immunocytes, while also improving respiratory capacity and physical fitness in older adults.


Experimental design
Respiratory capacity measures
Physical fitness measures
Immunocyte measures
Plank exercise program
Statistical analysis
Demographic and physical characteristics before the experiment
Changes and differences of respiratory capacity
Changes and differences of physical fitness
Changes and differences of immunocytes


  • Sihwa Park Research Institute of Sports and Industry Science, Hanseo University, Seosan, Korea
  • Byung-Hwa Choi Department of Physical Education, Graduate School of Hanseo University, Seosan, Korea
  • Yong-Seok Jee Research Institute of Sports and Industry Science, Hanseo University, Seosan, Korea, Department of Physical Education, Graduate School of Hanseo University, Seosan, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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