


일본어 불완전동사에 관한 일고찰 -경어 표현에서의 출현(出現)을 중심으로-


Considerations on Japanese imperfect verbs - Focusing on the appearance of honorific expressions -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examines the grammatical characteristics of inactive verbs, also known as imperfect verbs, observed in Japanese honorific expressions. Kaneda et al.(2014) has a verb’s characteristic of ‘おいで(御出で)’ ‘ご存じ’ ‘お帰り’ ‘お買い’, which receives the formula of the organization modifier, but unlike other verbs, They are defined as ‘incomplete verbs’ or ‘non-conjugated verbs’ in that they are used only in the formed form. However, conflicting views are also presented regarding ‘おいで’ and ‘お帰り’, which say that they should be treated as nouns in that they are both continuous modifiers and empty words. However, this view cannot erase the impression that it is a contradictory claim in that it defines the same word as two parts of speech. This is consistent with the fact that the continuous adjective below, which has been transformed into a noun in its original form, is not defined as a verb. Accordingly, in this paper, we point out that the appearance of such imperfect verbs is possible only within a specific syntactic environment, that is, within an honorific expression, while also trying to reveal the syntactic environment for the formation of imperfect verbs through comparative analysis with continuous adjectives.


本研究は、日本語敬語表現にてよく見られる不活用動詞、いわば不完全動詞の文 法的振る舞いについて考察したものである。会田他(2014)では、連用修飾語の修飾を 受ける「おいで」「ご存じ」「お帰り」「お買い」などの類に対し、動詞としての特性を有す るものの、他の動詞とは違って活用をせず決まった形でしか用いられないという点を もって、「不完全動詞」、または「不活用動詞」と称している。その一方で、「おいで」や 「お帰り」に限っては、連体修飾語と共起しうるために名詞として扱うべきとの、一見 矛盾しているような見解も示されている。しかしながら、一つのことばに二つの品詞 をあてるためにはそれ相応の十分な理論的根拠が提供されなければならない。これ は、現に動詞の連用形がそのままの形で名詞への転成した連用形名詞を動詞と認めな いことからも裏付けられる。そこで本研究では、このような不完全動詞の出現が特定 の構文環境、つまり敬語表現において顕著な現象であることに着目し、連用形名詞と の比較を通してこの動詞類ならではの特性について考察を試みる。


1. 들어가며
2. 일본어 경어 표현과 불완전동사
3. 동사의 연용형, 연용형명사, 그리고 불완전동사
4. 맺으며



  • 蔡盛植 채성식. 고려대학교 일어일문학과 교수, 일본어


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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