


言語景観に見られる禁止表現に関する研究 -ポライトネスの観点からの韓日対照-


A Study on the Prohibited Expressions in Language Landscape - Contrast between Korean and Japanese from the Perspective of Politeness -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this article, the prohibition signs found on street were studied and the prohibition items were divided by category. First, we observed what prohibited expressions were used and their usage patterns. Next, we examined strategies expressed in prohibited expressions from the perspective of Politeness and clarified the characteristics of both Korean and Japanese languages. Comparing the characteristics of Korean and Japanese, the Japanese used a stronger “direct prohibition.” This is the opposite of Kim Soon-nim (2011b), a previous study. The survey in this article was conducted more than 10 years after Kim Soon-in (2011b), and it is thought that the prohibited expression used for prohibition signs has changed over time. Analysis from the perspective of Politeness Strategy showed that the overall trend in Korean was to use Politeness Strategy, which takes into account the infringement of the listener’s negative face. Compared to Japanese, which has a high rate of direct prohibition, Korean uses more negative politeness strategies that “regularize” and indirectly prohibit prohibited acts than direct prohibition. In addition, the usage rate of incidental expressions is higher in Korean, and positive politeness strategies such as “inducing” actions or “reasoning” are used more to consider the reader’s face.


1. はじめに
2. 先行研究
3. 研究方法
3.1 研究資料
3.2 分析方法
4. 結果および考察
4.1 禁止表現の使用様相
4.2 ポライトネスの観点から見た禁止表現の使用
5. おわりに


  • 郭銀心 곽은심. 中央大学校 日本語文学専攻 助教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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