

Direction for Designing a 3D Animation Curriculum Utilizing AI Technology


Jibong Jeon

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the field of animation, as technology advances, production technology, production methods, and production culture are also steadily developing. The demand for content is increasing rapidly around the OTT platform, and the demand for animation content and diversity is increasing. With these market changes, animation creation ability is becoming a more important animation education goal. There is also a need to innovate educational methods to provide students with the skills and knowledge required in the modern animation business. This paper investigated the composition of the educational curriculum of domestic and foreign animation universities education. It examines artificial intelligence (AI) technology that can be used in animation creation and explores the design and direction of the university animation curriculum using it. AI technology has already proven its potential in various areas, and it is integrated into the animation curriculum to present various development potentials. Using AI technology, students can focus on practical and essential animation education by preventing technical difficulties in animation creation, increase their experience in animation production, and experiment with planning and producing various contents. It is proposed to design an educational curriculum that further strengthens animation creation and production capabilities by forming smart animation classes to foster talents who can lead the future animation industry in a new direction.


1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Research Objective
2. Main Body
2.1 Animation Major Curriculum in Domestic Universities
2.2 Utilization of Artificial Intelligence in the Animation Field
2.2 Generative AI
2.3 Direction of Animation Talent Training in Response to Changes in the Industrial Environment
2.4 Structuring Smart Learning with the Introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology
3. Conclusion


  • Jibong Jeon Professor of Animation School, Chungkang College of Cutural Industries


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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