

The Impact of Investment Information Technology-based Fund Attributes on Trust, Satisfaction, Emotional Immersion, and Reinvestment Intentions


Seongwon Kim, Jungmann Lee, Hongkeun Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of investment fund attributes such as fund product characteristics, returns on fund investment (ROI), internal controls, and after service on fund investor behavior based on investment information technology. In addition, we also examined how customers reinvest through emotional immersion, company trust and company satisfaction of investment firms in the context of fund investment. First, empirical results show that fund product characteristics, returns on fund investment, and financial firms’ internal controls and after service act as signals to fund investors to shape their reinvestment intentions. Second, while investors are generally perceived to be interested only in investment returns, this study also shows that they consider both fund product characteristics and fund investment returns, which are core attributes of funds, as well as financial firms’ internal control and after service, which are non-core attributes. Third, we find that company trust is an important factor in investors’ reinvestment intentions, showing that investors are more likely to reinvest in a fund if they perceive the financial firm to be trustworthy and reliable. Finally, these findings emphasize that investors consider not only tangible aspects of fund products, such as fund product characteristics and returns on fund investment, but also intangible factors, such as financial firms’ internal control and after service, and trustworthiness. Taken together, another implication is that the more advanced the investment information technology of financial firms, the more trust, satisfaction, immersion, and reinvestment intentions of investors will increase.


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background and Research Hypothesis
2.1 Fund Product Characteristics
2.2 Returns on Fund Investment
2.3 Internal Controls
2.4 After service
2.5 Company Trust
2.6 Company Satisfaction
2.7 Emotional Immersion
2.8 Reinvestment Intention
3. Research Model and Methodology
3.1 Research Model
3.2 Operational Definition and Measuring Variables
3.3 Sample Design and Methodology
3.4 Measurement Items
4. Empirical Results
4.1 General characteristics of the sample
4.2 Reliability and validity Analysis
4.3 Evaluation of Research Model
4.4 Hypotheses Results
5. Conclusions
5.1 Theoretical Implications
5.2 Practical implications
5.3 Research Limitations and Future Work


  • Seongwon Kim Ph.D. candidate, Hoseo Graduate School of Venture
  • Jungmann Lee Jungmann Lee, Professor, Department of Digital Technology Management, Hoseo University, Korea
  • Hongkeun Kim Professor, Hoseo Graduate School of Venture


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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